Yeah, so I make music on my computer. =0


 parable of a monstrosity 12:20

Track 1. "hello" 2:36
Track 2. "slumberparty" 1:16
Track 3. "parable of a monstrosity" 1:16
Track 4. "theres always tomorrow" 1:39
Track 5. "pumpaction recessional" 0:58
Track 6. "thefullWHAMMY" 1:02
Track 7. "Daps2urNaps (THWLI 2.0)" 1:04
Track 8. "theRATS" 2:41

An album discussing the brevity of positive flow.

Click on the above image to download.

surfserpent 37:58

side A

Track 1. "onceagain" 0:20
Track 2. "hurt" 1:15
Track 3. "bazookabros" 0:55
Track 4. "j0rj0r" 0:44
Track 5. "charm" 2:03
Track 6. "st.james infirmary" 2:57
Track 7. "saumdei" 0:08
Track 8. "srpntgrl" 1:07
Track 9. "supnecro" 0:38

side B

Track 10. "forev" 0:23
Track 11. "itsatrap" 1:05
Track 12. "spell" 0:20
Track 13. "mexico" 0:52
Track 14. "ffgf" 2:36
Track 15. "shimmy" 1:50
Track 16. "cromp" 1:37
Track 17. "heranfast" 0:46
Track 18. "cellar" 1:01
Track 19. "noend" 0:41

side 3

Track 20. "ohno" 0:09
Track 21. "kehee" 2:42
Track 22. "love" 1:06
Track 23. "thwli" 1:48
Track 24. "heinau" 2:35
Track 25. "savehim" 0:45
Track 26. "siam" 1:38
Track 27. "floweroflife" 2:46
Track 28. "trull" 1:14
Track 29. "open" 1:35
Track 30. "haveitplz" 0:22

An instrumental album feat. samples from the 1958 Japanese film White Serpent Enchantress. It was dubbed over (horribly) in English and renamed Panda and the Magic Serpent becoming the first japanese animation to be released for American audiences.  

Click on the above image to download.

Related; AMV for Track 14. "ffgf" 4:08


 yenig+red.m#001;fanciful 12:20

Track 1. Yernig-"2bars, that's it." 1:15
Track 2. red.m-"rogueb" 1:21
Track 3. Yernig-"Jjingle" 0:52
Track 4. red.m-"iuiui" 1:02
Track 5. Yernig-"Electrack" 1:18
Track 6. red.m-"wreyy" 0:58
Track 7. Yernig-"YouMayNowEnterTheLastLevel" 1:16
Track 8. red.m-"sinistar" 0:59
Track 9. Yernig-"Beugor" 1:08
Track 10. red.m-"TWOBRAS" 1:34

Yenig is a jolly lad I met during my run amuck days in the milano crew. I can't remember who instigated it but we did this album for fun. The last two tracks are remixes we did of each others songs.

Click on the above image to download.

 siamese dads 12:20

Track 1. Armon Pakdel-"Shit-Eared Brickfucker/Blast From the Past." 0:37
Track 2. RED.M-"whateveritTAKES" 0:59
Track 3. Armon Pakdel-"Speed Racer" 0:36
Track 4. RED.M-"pnuematicmetropolis" 0:42
Track 5. Armon Pakdel-"Love Songy" 0:38
Track 6. RED.M-"interestingreaction" 0:43
Track 7. Armon Pakdel-"Master of Battle Dragons" 0:45
Track 8. RED.M-"troublesteppe" 1:12
Track 9. Armon Pakdel-"Slippy" 0:56
Track 10. RED.M-"liquifiedtwist" 0:59

Armon Pakdel (aka HLG) is a goofball that makes lovely music. He suggested that we make an album together after he heard Parable of a monstrosity. All songs are under one minute long... except for the one that isn't.

Click on the above image to download.